Ikramul Fajri, Ahmad Fuad


Minangkabau or abbreviated Minang refers to cultural and geographical entities that are characterized by the use of language, customs that adhere to the matrilineal kinship system, and Islamic religious identity. Geographically, Minangkabau covers the mainland of West Sumatra, half of the Riau mainland, the northern part of Bengkulu, the western part of Jambi, the west coast of North Sumatra, southwest Aceh, and Negeri Sembilan in Malaysia. In layman's conversation, Minang people are often equated as Padangese, referring to the name of the capital city of the province of West Sumatra, the city of Padang. Adok, is one of the arts that develops Paninggahan village, Solok Regency. This art is more often, or commonly said to be dance art. The term "Adok" comes from the word adat, which in this context functions to regulate banagari behavior. Adok Dance in its supporting community is often played on traditional ceremonies such as the panghulu alek, and the marriage alek. The content or story conveyed through Adok's art is relative, or according to the conditions of appearance. This Photography Book is delivered through visual communication media which is packaged with interesting, informative, communicative and simplifying material without reducing the essence of the message which aims to attract attention so that people can easily understand the message of this book

Keyword: Information, West Sumatra, Adok Dance, Photography Book, Education

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