Rini Handayani


Prevalence of Hypertension is increasing every year. Hypertension cases in Bekasi had increase from 2017-2019. Initial study showed 40% visitor in RS X Bekasi had Hypertension. The aim of this study is to know the determinant factors of Hypertension in RS X Bekasi in 2019. Study design used in this study is Cross-sectional. The population is visitors in RS X Bekasi which is 96 visitors as samples. The analysis is univariate analysis, bivariate analysis used Chi-square test and multivariate analysis used logistic regression test. The bivariate analysis showed that age (p-value: 0,001), gender (p-value: 0,001), marital status (p-value: 0,025), smoker status (p-value: 0,032), fruits consumption (p-value: 0,018), vegetables consumption (p-value: <0,001), and salt consumption (p-value: 0,014) had relation with Hypertension. Multivariate analysis showed that vegetables consumption (p-value: <0,001), age (p-value: 0,005) and gender (p-value: 0,007) had relation with Hypertension. .So, the determinants of Hypertension is vegetables consumption, age, and gender. The suggestion to visitors is to change their behavior of vegetables consumption to be more frequently.


Keywords: Hypertension, Vegetable consumption, Age, Sex, Risk Factors

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