Prasetia Putra Perdana Harefa, Yuli Asmi Rozali


The number of cases of bullying that occurs among teenagers make teen bullying victims should be able to have a positive self-concept to be able to continue to develop themselves positively. Bullying acts experienced by teenagers can allow the formation of a negative self-concept. In order for adolescent victims of bullying to have a positive self-concept, it is necessary role of the social environment to show concern for the act of bullying. One of the roles of the social environment is social support. Purporse: the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of social support on self-concept in teens bullying victims. Methods: this research is in the form of quantitative study of comparative causal type with purposive sampling technique with total sample of 81 teens of bullying victims. Measuring tool used to measure self-concept is Tennessee Self Concept Scale with reliability (α) = 0.966 with 69 valid items. Social support is measured using an Interpersonal Support Evaluation List tool with reliability (α) = 0.946 with 37 valid items. Results: based on the result of simple linear regression test known that there is influence of social support to self-concept in adolescent victim bullying (p) = 0.000 or (p) < 0.05 meaning hypothesis accepted. The linear equation for self-concept is expressed in Y = -13.521 + 2.748 X, where X as social support with coefficient of +2.748 and percentage of influence equal to 65.3%. It is also known that gender, age, and educational background do not have a relationship with self-concept in teens bullying victims.


Keywords: self-concept, social support, teenagers, bullying

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