Renandya Angelica Maharani, Novendawati Wahyu Sitasari, Safitri Safitri


There were Bollywood Mania Club Indonesia (BMCI) members who felt unhappy with their lives. Unhappiness could be caused by the problems they’re facing, so they turned to do more celebrity worshipping. The purpose of this study was to look at the relationship between subjective well-being and celebrity worship on BMCI members in Jakarta. This study was a quantitative research, using correlational non-experimental method with purposive sampling technique. The number of research’s samples were 99 BMCI members in Jakarta. This study used the subjective well-being scale based on Diener’s theory made by Halim (2015) which was modified, with 35 valid items and the reliability coefficient (α) is 0,961. This study also used the Celebrity Attitude Scale by Maltby et al. (2006) which was modified, with 29 valid items and the reliability coefficient (α) is 0,946. The result of this study showed sig 0,000 with correlation coefficient -0,532, meaning that the hypothesis is accepted, which is there is a negatively significant relationship between subjective well-being and celebrity worship on BMCI members in Jakarta. Based on r2 score, subjective well-being contributed 28,3% to influence celebrity worship, while the remaining 71,7% influenced by other factors. Marriage status had a relationship with BMCI members’ subjective well-being. Educational background had a relationship with BMCI members’ celebrity worship.


Keywords: Subjective Well-being, Celebrity Worship, BMCI Members


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