Firdha Ayu Feria Latuconsina, Sulis Mariyanti, Safitri Safitri


Students can not be separated from various task demands, both academic and non academic. With these demands, psychological well-being is needed within the Collage student so that they can afford it One of the factors that can affect it is the type of personality. Personality type can determine a person in performing their daily activities. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of personality type on psychological well-being. This is non-experimental quantitative research with simple random sampling technique. The number of samples in this research is 265 collage students. The scale of psychological well-being is based on Ryff’s theory of 13 valid items with reliability coefficient (α)0.827. As for the scale of personality type which refers to the theory of Eysenck amounted to 34 valid items with reliability coefficient (α) 0.928. Differences test results obtained sig (p) 0.614> 0.05 which means that there is no significant effect of personality type on regular collage student’s class of 2014 psychological well-being in Universitas Esa Unggul. The result of personality type categorization shows that 54.3% of students tend to have extrovert personality type, and the result of students’ psychological well-being categorization tends to be low that is 53.8%. The results of crosstab showed that there is no difference between sex and age on psychological well-being.


Keywords : Personality type, Psychological Well-Being, Colage Students

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