Asti Triyatni, Yuli Asmi Rozali


MTs students have more lessons, namely general subjects and religion with demands that they must be able to achieve. Achievement is important and every student must have self regulated learning. The factors that influence self regulated learning is social support. The purpose of this research is determine the influence of social support towards self-regulated learning in West Jakarta grade VII MTs students. The design of this research quantitative non-experimental with a comparative causal type. Sampling Cluster sampling technique, then Simple Random Sampling with sample of 96 students in West Jakarta VII grade MTs. Social support measured using the social support scale based on Uchino theory made by Sya'bana (2017) which has been modified amounts to 32 valid items with reliability (a)=0.900. Self regulated learning measured using Self regulated learning scale based on Zimmerman theory made by Firlianne (2012) which has been modified amounts to 100 valid items with the reliability (a)=0.967. The results a simple linear  regression test is Sig.(p)=0.000;((p)<0.05) with a correlation coefficient of 1.572 means that there is a significant positive effect of social support on self regulated learning in West Jakarta VII grade MTs students which means hypothesis accepted. Based on the value of R2, it shows that social support forms self regulated learning in the amount of 37.8%, the rest by other factors. The goals, the way of learning, having friends to study, entering MTs, participating in counseling have no a relationship with Self regulated learning. The results of this research were students who entered MTs because of the desire family have high self-regulated learning and students who have friends for studying or do not have self regulated learning is low.


Keywords: Social Support, Self Regulated Learning, Students

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