Linawati Linawati, Yeny Duriana Wijaya, Safitri Safitri


One of the successes of being a father in a teenage boy development is able to build good interaction in his son’s social/peer relation and emotional bond formed in the attachment between father and son, has an impact on the relation . Attachment is a phychological bond that children form in early childhood, which affects their ability to form attachment bond with those around them and  establishment which will lasts for life (Bowbly,2005). The objectives of this study is to describe father’s attachment toward his online gaming addict teen son. This is mostly influenced by father-son attachment. This study is based on a descriptive quantitative research using a snowball sampling technique. Total samples used in this study is 100 male teen between 13– 17 years old who play online games min. 20 hours per week.  The measuring instrument used is adaptation Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA) of Armsden and Greenberg (2009) consisting of 27 valid items with 0.905 reabilities. The research outcome showed high attachment (61%) on the father’s attachment toward his online gaming addict teen son. The dominant dimension of the research is alienation with 48 alienated subjects (48%).

Keywords: attachment, male teen, online gaming addict

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