Nadia Merianda, Yuli Asmi Rozali


Daar El- Qolam 1 Islamic boarding school has an education system that combines traditional pesantren teaching and general education with a busy schedule. New students who come from regular elementary schools who do not have the experience of learning and living in the cottage need to have the toughness or hardiness to be able to withstand the new guidelines and be able to excel. One of the factors that influence hardiness is the ability of students to regulate themselves in learning or self-regulated learning.The design of this study is a quantitative study of comparative causal type with purposive sampling technique with a sample of 93 students of grade 1 regular elementary school graduates. The measuring instrument used was the Hardiness scale with reliability (α) = 0.813 with 13 valid items and self regulated learning scale with reliability (α) = 0.804 with 16 valid items. Regression test results note that there is the effect of self regulated learning on hardiness with sig. (p) equal to 0.000 (p <0.05) meaning, the hypothesis is accepted. The research findings show that students who enter boarding schools for their own reasons have high level hardiness, students who have academic achievements have more low level hardiness, and students who have instilled independent ways of learning and have forseeable goals have more hardiness than others.

Keywords: self regulated learning, hardiness, santri.

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