Anisa Fahriyani, Novendawati Wahyu Sitasari, Safitri Safitri


their self confidence in facing obstacles which is called self efficacy. A novice climber can have higher self efficacy they have the power to organize and manage their emotions which is called emotion regulation. The purpose of this research is to look correlation between emotion regulation and self efficacy on novice mountain climbers. This study was a quantitative research, using correlational non-experimental method with purposive sampling technique. The number of research’s samples were 83 novice mountain climbers. This study used the emotion regulation scale based on Thompson’s theory made by Hasanah (2010) which was modified, with 41 valid items and the reliability coefficient (α) is 0.960. This study also used the self efficacy scale based on Bandura’s theory made by Handayani (2013) which was modified, with 44 valid items and the reliability coefficient (α) is 0.977, also with pearson product moment correlation technique and crosstabulation. The result of this study showed sig 0.000 with correlation coefficient 0.504, meaning that the hypothesis is accepted, which is there is a positively significant correlation between emotion regulation and self efficacy on novice mountain climbers. Based on r2 score, emotion regulation contributed 25.4% to influence self efficacy, while the remaining 74.6% are influenced by other factors. In this research, found that doing physical exercises in the nature has high and emotion regulation and high self efficacy.


Keywords: emotion regulation, self efficacy, novice mountain climbers

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