Asty Kurniati, Yuli Asmi Rozali


In early adulthood phase, individual will face developmental task to build a family. This task can cause anxiety that will happen to everyone, but it will be different when people got divorced parents in their background. One of the factor that effect anxiety is environment, in this case represented by social support. Purpose of this research was to determine the effect of social support to married’s anxiety on early adult women with background of divorced parents. Method of this research is using non-experimental quantitative with a comparative causal type and the sampling technique is using incidental sampling techniques. Sample are 60 early adult women with divorced parents. Social support’s measurement based on Sarafino’s theory (2002) that has been adapted and modified by Asya’s research (2017) had valid item (r) = 51 items and reliability value (α) = 0.977. The measurement scale of married’s anxiety was prepared by researchers based on Taylor’s theory (1953) with valid item (r) = 44 items and reliability value (α) = 0.967. The result of data analysis, it’s known sig. value (p) = 0.000; ((p) < 0.05) with coefficient value –0.740 which means there’s negative influence between social support and married’s anxiety to early adult women with background of divorced parents, so that the researcher’s hypothesis is accepted. Social support has an effect to married’s anxiety by 31.7% while the other 68.3% is influenced by other factor such as the recipient of the support itself. This research discovered that early adult women with divorced parents who’s still living with one of their parents got lower anxiety’s scale.

Keywords: social support, anxiety on early adult women, divorced parents.

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