Azzah Azizah As-Sahih, Sulis Mariyanti, Safitri Safitri


Smartphone users is adolescents. Adolescents have a great need to obtain affection from their families. However, there are some adolescents who find it difficult to complain and relate to their families that are not functioning effectively so that adolescents choose to fulfill their affection needs through smartphones. The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between family functioning and smartphone addiction to adolescents and to find out effective or ineffective family functioning and addicted to high smartphone or low smartphone addiction in adolescents. This research method is non-experimental quantitative with non probability sampling technique with incidental sampling technique. Research sample of 100 adolescents using smartphones. Measuring family functioning in this study uses the family assessment device (FAD) theory with 52 valid items and reliability value (α) = 0.950. A smartphone addiction measuring instrument uses smartphone addiction scale (SAS) theory with 27 items and reliability value (α) = 0.908. The results of this study have a significant negative relationship between family functioning and smartphone addiction in adolescents (sig. P = 0.000, r = -0.560). The effectiveness of more adolescents families is ineffective (54%) and more high smartphone addiction (46%).

 Keywords: adolescents, family functioning, smartphone addiction

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